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We would love the opportunity to pray for you, a loved one, or a circumstance. Please fill out the form below with as much or as little information as you're comfortable with. If you would like to speak privately with a pastor or pray in person, please specify that in your message and leave your contact information; we will get back to you as soon as possible.



You can request a response back by leaving your email address, or choose to remain anonymous. We look forward to the opportunity to be in prayer over your situation.


Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. - Romans 12:9-13


Thank you, we will pray.


Below are requests from brothers and sisters who need our prayer.

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." - James 5:16

Desert Cove

  • Maria - Please pray for my family especially my mama

  • Norma - Norma's mom recently passed away and she is requesting prayers of peace and comfort.  She is also asking for prayers for her sister Laurie.

  • Alejandro - Prayers for his family and his wife.

  • Rosa - Continued prayers of healing for Rosa's shoulder.  Please pray for her family.

  • Laura - This has been a tough week for Laura.  She still has her catheter and recently acquired a cyst that has become infected.  She is requesting prayers of healing so that she can be released and go back home.  Laura is also asking for prayers for her daughter-in-law, Marcia, who recently discovered that she has a brain tumor.

  • George - Continued prayers for his wife, Gina and for himself.  George is feeling sad this week and needs prayers of peace and happiness.

  • Elias - Requesting prayers for his son.

  • So happy to have Tim, activities director, back from his vacation.  However, Tim is leaving Desert Cove next week and will be starting a new chapter in his life.  We wish him the best of luck and pray that Jesus continues guiding him down the path that He has prepared for Tim.

  • Gerri asked for prayers for Pastor Moe, Jamie, Kipp and the LOC servants and their families.  She asked the Lord to be with her grandson, Carl, that needs a kidney transplant.  She also asks blessing from God for her granddaughter Carrie and her daughter that is on the way (her 6th great grandchild).


  • Karten - Please pray for all who work at Archstone.  May God bless them and keep them healthy.

  • Oscar - Requesting prayers for his doctor.

  • Nancy - Asking for prayers for her sister for healing.

  • Sharon - In need of prayers for her to find peace and comfort.  Also, praying for her daughter, Melissa, for forgiveness.

  • Evelyn - Please pray for her and everyone in her family.

  • Jason - Continued prayers for his family and his sister.

  • Marcella - Praises to God that her legs are healing and she is feeling better.  Please continue to pray for her daughters to know Jesus.  Also, asking for prayers for her mom and dad.

  • Elaine - She is asking for prayers for herself, her brother Jack, her sister Julie, and her nephews David and Brent, that everyone would have peace and happiness.

  • Stephanie - is thankful the Lord gave her the needed strength to get he to her doctor's appointment.  She prays for her friend who as a lot of pain in her legs.  She is so grateful that God answers her prayers and always gives her the guidance and direction she needs.

  • Kate gave thanks for the Holy Spirit and His power for all the hope, peace and joy He brings to everyone.  She praises God for our worship services every week.

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